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5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Agree 3 = Neutral 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree N/A = Not Applicable
Are you actively employed in the
cosmetology industry?
1.When beginning the course, screen
directions were clear and easy to follow
2. Screens loaded with minimal wait time
(please note: load time will vary depending on your computer)
3. Text and graphics were clear and easy
to read.
4. Audio was clear and easy to
5. Help options were useful and easy to
6. Modules were easy to restart after exiting.
7. Time required to complete the course
was acceptable.
8. Overall the course modules were easy
to navigate.
9. Course material was relevant and
useful to licensed professionals.
10. Course content was well organized.
11. Course modules were interesting and engaging.
12.Examples used were relevant and
aided in achieving educational objectives.
13. Topics were organized and presented in a logical manner.
14. Activities within the course modules
enhance the learning experience
15. The course content followed the
posted/circulated agenda.
16. Overall the course was beneficial
17. The online instruction method
enhanced my learning.
18. I was satisfied with the technology
support provided for this course.
19.Please comment on any aspect of the course:
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